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ReboundSA | HealthBouncePRO Rebounder


Rebounding is a great exercise, because:
  • It’s Highly Enjoyable and Suitable for All Ages.
  • It’s Time Efficient, bouncing for 20 minutes is equivalent to running for 60 minutes!
  • It leaves you feeling De-stressed, Invigorated and Energized.
  • People who rebound found that they are able to Work Longer, Sleep Better and feel Less Tense and Nervous.


Includes the following:
  • A HealthBouncePRO Rebounder
  • A user manual
  • A digital pack with workout videos
  • A ‘Rebounding for Health and Fitness’ book



  • Frame Size: 101cm
  • Weight of rebounder: 12Kg’s
  • Max weight recommendation for participants: 130Kg’s
  • Folds in half with strong steel hinges
  • High quality mat with a yellow safety edge indicator
  • 6 Spring-loaded legs with 6 rubber shoes (Extra Strong connections and easy to assemble/fold down)
  • 22-coil, jumbo-tapered springs which are secured onto the frame with individual steel bolts
  • Call in-store for enquiries about spares



  1. Exercises the Cells (cellercizing) – strengthening and cleansing every cell in your body with every bounce (including your muscles, eyes, ears, heart, major organs, skin etc.)
  2. Supercharges Energy Levels – keeps energy up through the day.
  3. Boosts Lymphatic Drainage – detoxifying the whole body and stimulating immune function.
  4. 68% More Effective than Running, without the impact stress on the ankle and knee. 20 Minutes of vigorous bouncing has the same value as 60 minutes of running.
  5. Increases Bone and Muscle Density via the triple G-Force (gravity, acceleration and deceleration) of each bounce.
  6. Tones and Firms the Whole Body, increasing lean muscle mass.
  7. Minimizes the Occurrence and Duration of common ailments such as colds, allergies, sinusitis and constipation.
  8. Decreases the Incidence of Illness and Disease – provides a good form of long-term health insurance against chronic and acute conditions.
  9. Reduces Sugar and Carbohydrate Cravings by circulating more oxygen to the tissue and establishing a better equilibrium between oxygen required by the tissues and oxygen made available. (When oxygen levels drop, more glucose is needed to produce energy).
  10. Oxygenates all the Tissues – where there is oxygen, there cannot be pain or disease.
  11. Improves Coordination – enhancing sport performance.
  12. Enhances Proprioception – the ability to sense the position, location and movement of the body and its parts.
  13. Helps Manage Body Composition and improves resting metabolic rate so that more calories are burned for hours after exercise.
  14. Boosts Endurance at a cellular level, by increasing mitochondrial count within the muscle cells (responsible for energy production).
  15. Tones the Glandular System to increase the output of the thyroid gland, the pituitary gland and the adrenals.
  16. Reduces the Time it takes for heart rate to return to normal after intense activity.
  17. Lowers Low-density Lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) in the blood and increases high-density lipoprotein (good cholesterol) reducing the incidence of coronary artery disease.
  18. Helps Fluid Move Easily Within the Body, thus helping muscle performance and lightening the load required of the heart.
  19. Decreases the Volume of blood pooling in the veins of the cardiovascular system preventing chronic edema.
  20. Lowers Resting Heart Rate – each beat becomes more powerful and sends out a greater surge of blood around the body to nourish its 60 trillion cells.
  21. Boosts Red Blood Cell Production in the red bone marrow. Red blood cells carry oxygen and nutrients to the tissue and help to remove carbon dioxide.
  22. Promotes Tissue Growth especially long bones, due to the stimulating effect of the pituitary gland, which produces growth hormone.
  23. Stabilizes the Nervous System – resulting in and increased resistance to environmental, physical, emotional and mental stress.
  24. Reduces the Height to which the arterial pressures rise during exertion.
  25. And MOST Importantly it is suitable for all ages and all levels of health and fitness … your body loves to bounce … Rebounding is FUN!

Additional information

Weight12000 g
Dimensions101 × 101 × 30 cm


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