FLAXi Refresh Mist | Flu and Cold Refresher Mist for FLAXi Flu Bag 60ml


Flaxi Flu and Cold Refresher Mist (60ml) is the ideal companion for the FLAXi Flu Bag. It features a zesty blend of eucalyptus, citrus, clove, cinnamon, and cardamom, creating a revitalizing aroma. This mist is specially formulated to deliver powerful decongestant properties, as well as offer antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic benefits.

  • A zesty blend of eucalyptus, citrus, clove, cinnamon, and cardamom for a refreshing aroma
  • Designed as the perfect companion to the FLAXi Flu Bag
  • Provides strong decongestant properties, helping to alleviate nasal congestion
  • Offers antibacterial properties, helping to combat germs and bacteria
  • Contains anti-inflammatory and analgesic benefits, providing relief from the discomfort associated with cold and flu symptoms

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Ingredients used in Flaxseed Flu Bag:

Eucalyptus oil, Lemon oil, Clove oil, Cardamom oil, Cinnamon Oil, and Ethanol Oil

How to use the Flaxseed Flu Bag

Once the fragrance of your FLAXi Flu Bag starts to diminish, lightly spiritz the bag to renew its natural fragrance with the FLAXi Flu and Cold Refresher Mist. Wait 3-5 minutes to dry. Shake before use.

Caution: For external use only. Avoid use during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Keep away from flames.


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