EpiStill contains the following ingredients in our unique concentrated 100% herbal formula, manufactured according to Whole Herb Technology:
Passiflora (Passionflower), Scuttelaria laterifolia (Skullcap), Cuprum metallicum (30C), Cicuta virosa (30C), Ethanol (inactive ingredient)
Adults and Teenagers: 15 – 20 drops in approximately 1/4 cup water or juice three times daily. An additional dose may be taken at the first warning signs of acute symptoms.
Children: One drop per age year of the child diluted in ¼ cup of water or juice three times daily.
Caution: Safety during pregnancy and nursing has not yet been established. Please consult your doctor before making any changes in current medication.
Disclaimer: This medicine has not been evaluated by the Medicines Control Council. This medicine is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness.
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