Feelgood Health | BaniFlu: Natural homeopathic remedy treats & protects against the flu (125 tablets)


This homeopathic ‘flu remedy & oral ‘flu vaccine is safe for all ages. Take preventatively during the ‘flu season or when traveling or use to treat acute ‘flu symptoms

  • Acts as a natural alternative to the conventional flu vaccine
  • Protects against the ‘flu while travelling
  • Addresses common symptoms such as a cough, running nose, fever, chills, headache, sore throat, fatigue, muscle and joint pains, loss of appetite, gastric symptoms such as nausea and vomiting
  • Promotes quick recovery time
  • Discourages secondary complications of the lungs, chest, throat and ears
  • Safe for all ages, including during pregnancy & breastfeeding
  • Locally made to reduce your carbon footprint



Influenzinum (30C), Anas barb (30C), Gelsemium (30C), Nux vomica (30C), Alium cepa (6C)


Adults & children: Suck two tablets in a clean mouth three times daily for seven days prior to the winter season. Thereafter, suck two tablets in a clean mouth three times daily during an acute infection or when exposed to germs, including when traveling by air or public transport. Babies and small children: Crush tablets and sprinkle powder on tongue.

Note: Consult your doctor if symptoms persist or worsen.

Disclaimer: This medicine has not been evaluated by the Medicines Control Council. This medicine is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness. 


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