Most Frequent Questions and Answers

Most of the queries we receive are answered on this page. If we have not answered your query below, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us via our Contact Page.

How do I know it’s safe to shop with Rila’s Online Market?
We work hard to ensure that your details stay safe and secure. Your privacy is of the utmost importance to us. If you want to know more about how we ensure your privacy, please refer to our Privacy Policy.
Are my online purchases secure?
Your connection to this website is secured via SSL (your browser should indicate a secure connection in the address bar), we adhere to data storage best practices and your payment details are never disclosed to us. Payments are either processed via PayFast, one of the most popular and trusted payment gateways in South Africa, or received via a manual EFT transfer or direct deposit from your side.
How safe is it to use my credit card on your site?
Rila’s Online Market makes use of the 3D-Secure authentication system to verify cardholder details with your bank; this links you directly to your bank via a secure link. The transaction then takes place within your bank’s secure environment and we won’t have access to any of your card details. You can rest assured that your card details will by no means be available to, or accessible by, us or any third parties.
Do you keep my credit card details?
You are safe, we do not store your credit card details.
Will my information be sold to third parties?
Not a chance, your information will not be sold or passed on to any third parties.  Rila’s Online Market rightfully protects your information. Read more on how we protect your details by referring to the Rila’s Online Market Privacy Policy.
How do I report a registration violation?
If you think that your Intellectual Property Right has been infringed by any of our sellers, you can send us an email or contact us here.
If I found a bug/vulnerability/security issue, what should I do?
We take our web security and user experience very seriously at Rila’s Online Market. If you have encountered a technical issue on our site you can report it directly to our lead developer here. Please provide the following details:
  1. The steps required to reproduce the issue.
  2. The name of the device and web browser that you used when your first encountered the issue.

Do I need to enable cookies in my browser?
Cookies are the name of small amounts of data that is sent from a website to your browser. It is then stored on your computer’s hard drive. Your browser’s preferences usually have ‘cookies enabled’ (meaning each website can send its cookie to your browser). Cookies cannot access your personal information, but instead, use anonymous unique identifiers.Cookies will need to be enabled on your browser to allow you to add products to your cart and access your account information. If you are using a public computer, or share your computer with others, be sure to log out before leaving your computer unattended to protect your account information. You can log out by clicking the ‘logout’ link in the top right-hand corner of the page.To find out more about how we use cookies, please see our Privacy Policy.

Where can I find your Privacy Policy?
Our Privacy Policy can be found here.

Where can I find your Returns Policy?
Our Returns Policy can be found here.

How do I Place an Online Order?

  1. Find the products you’d like to buy
    Search for the product by typing in the product name in the search box. If you do not know the name, search the product categories for the desired product. Click on the Product name, to view more information on the product.
  2. Add to Cart.
    Found the products you’d like to buy? Click on “Add to cart”. Once you’ve added an item to your Shopping Cart, keep searching until your cart contains all of the items you want to order. You can access the contents of your Shopping Cart at any time by clicking View Cart.
  3. Check Out.
    To enter checkout, click on Proceed to Checkout.
    Your product list will appear. Confirm that the products and numbers are correct. Select the products you wish to buy and click on the check-out button. You will now be prompted to log in or register. Select your delivery method and click on the Continue button on the bottom right. Select your delivery address or create a new delivery address.
  4. Select your payment method, and click on Place Order on the bottom right of the page.
  5. Click on Proceed if you are ready to complete the payment process. A complete order summary will now display with all the details of your order. Please ensure that all information, including your delivery details are correct.

Can I order by telephone or email?
Yes, you can order by telephone or email. Our friendly staff will gladly assist you to determine which product will satisfy your need the most. They can also process your order, and email you an invoice.

How do I know if my order has gone through?
Super easy – an email will be sent to you to confirm we have your order, once it is processed you will receive an invoice for the goods being delivered.

What payment methods can I use?
Our website accepts the following credit and debit cards:

  1. Credit & Cheque Cards
  2. Visa
  3. Mastercard
  4. Debit Card
  5. Instant EFT

All our card payments are secured by Payfast. Unfortunately, we cannot process a card transaction via telephone. We do this to protect our customers – and ourselves – from fraudulent transactions.

Are there any hidden or additional charges such as sales tax when I make a purchase.
There are no hidden charges when you make a purchase. The order amount is inclusive of all taxes and shipping fees. In case your order is delivered partially you will be required to pay only for the item that has been delivered to you. The order amount will be mentioned on the parcel and the invoice. Please note that we will never ask you to pay extra cash for the delivery.

Why was my credit/debit card declined?
If you experience trouble completing payment through debit/credit card, first thing to do is to make sure that your card is activated for online payments and that you have enough funds/limit to complete the transaction. Your bank can help you verify these details.

Some cards issued outside South Africa are also not supported and may be declined.

Can I use two payment methods when ordering online?
Sorry, we only accept one payment method per order.

What currencies are accepted?
We only accept Rand (ZAR).

Do your prices include VAT?
Yes, all prices are inclusive of VAT.

How can I sign-up as a customer?
Start by clicking “Your Account” and then sign up in the top right corner of your screen.
You will then be asked to provide some basic information.
When you have provided the required information, click submit to finish the sign-up process.
We will send you an email to welcome you.

I forgot the password to my account. How can I access it?
Click Your Account and then Login in the top right side of your screen.
Enter your registered email address and click Proceed.
Now click the Forgot your Password button to get an email on your registered account with instructions on how to set a new password.

I want to update the details of My Account. How should I go about doing this? 
Click on the My Account tab on the top right-hand side of the page.
You will then be directed to your account details. Scroll down to find your account information.
Click ‘edit’ next to ‘contact information’, then change your details as needed, followed by clicking on the ‘save’ button to ensure your details are changed.

How can I add a new delivery address to my account?
To add an additional delivery address to your account:
Click Your Account in the top right corner of your screen (if you are logged in you would see your name there).
Now click Address Book in the left side of the screen.
Click on Add a New Address, enter the details of the new address and click on Save this Address.

Can I add multiple email addresses to login to my account?
To make sure that your account is always secure, multiple email addresses cannot be added. However, you can replace your current email address with a new one anytime from “Your Account”.

Why do I need to provide my email address to sign up?
Your email address helps us provide timely information to you about your order. It also acts as your username and helps you log in.

How can I change the password of my account?
Click Your Account in the top right corner of your screen (if you are logged in you would see your name there). In the contact details box, click change Password. Enter the required information and click “Submit”.

How can I deactivate my account?
We are unable to deactivate / remove customer accounts from our system completely. If you are concerned that your data has been compromised, change your password and contact our Customer Service team to notify us. Please note that your data is secure with us and that we will investigate any concern around possible breaches with top priority.

Would my account be deactivated if I don’t use it for a long time?
We miss you when you don’t visit us but will never deactivate your account. We may only consider in exceptional cases of customers suspected of fraudulent behavior or with a very high order refusal rate.

How would I go about unsubscribing from the marketing emails? 
The emails that we send you come with the option to unsubscribe. Click on that option and you will not receive future messages anymore.

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Please read the cookie policy carefully before using this website. For more information on our data policies, please visit our Cookie Policy & Privacy Policy

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